Monday, May 21, 2007


Had a decent weekend.. got a lot accomplished.. and Do Dah Day was a really nice treat... Looking forward to tonite.. going to the first Support group meeting dedicated to those who have attended the classes for the Mayo Clinic Healthy Weight Loss for Everybody. So it will be nice to meet folks ( new folks too) who are on the same journey. I am bringing all of my recent books, The Beck Solution, Lean Plate Cluh and the EatingWell book too. Plus I am going to take the book I have been making along the way . It has my food logs, my weight graphs, recipes, inspirational quotes and tips as well. BOY will my arms be full. I might as well go ahead and officially weigh tonite and then again on June 4th when I have my meeting with Donna. I weighed 185.6 this morning.. so that was pretty good.. by that scale I have lost 25.9 pounds.. but we all know what happens when you weigh in the evening... so I won't be too effected either way... Will post again later on this evening .
Wish me well
Wish you well too.

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